Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Blog therefore I Am...

Well, that’s not entirely true... You can also "be" if you post, pin, or tweet too. These are various ways to not just exist on the World Wide Web but to "work it"! You would never go to a networking event and NOT talk to someone, right? You make an effort to reach out and meet new people with the goal to generate business. The same applies for the Internet. “Out of sight, out of mind”. If you are not doing something to interact, it’s like you  showed up but didn’t talk to anyone.

Here are several things to consider. 
  1. Have a strategy:  Have a goal of what you want to accomplish by posting (business generation, social contact, historical record). All are OK, but post to accomplish your goal. 
  2. Who is your audience? And would would interest them. If you are not speaking to their interests, they will not be paying attention.
  3. Have something of value to say: George Eliot says Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving us wordy evidence of the fact.  Don't just talk off the top of your head: research, rethink and revise as necessary.
  4. Work the room: Find the platform that works for you and your message. Visual businesses (fashion, home improvement, etc.) might do best with visually focused formats like Pinterest and Instagram where other  businesses might do best with blogging. And it’s OK to use a variety of platforms. Your target market might respond to (or frequent) more than just one.
  5. Be the host: The one to make the most out of the event is likely the host (or the person who acts as one). Make introductions, ask questions, provide information… This also means you need to be consistent (post on a schedule and respond to comments on a timely basis)... just like a good host would.
So, the question is "To Blog or NOT to Blog". Even though it is free to post, it still takes time, and time is money... So if your strategy is business generation, measure your results and evaluate your return on investment.

CLICK to access my webinar "To Blog or Not to Blog" recorded Aug. 17, 2018. $5 fee.

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