Sunday, September 13, 2015

PICK the Video to SUIT your Purpose!

Videos are a great way to share information on the WWW. And each type of video has its strengths based on the purpose of the video.

Here are just a few examples...

1) Introduction videos. For some businesses, putting a face to your name is NOT important. However, if you want to brand your business to you because you are directly involved with your potential customer or client OR because you ARE your brand, that a short 1-3 minute introduce is in order. "Talking head" videos are as effective in sharing information but IS effective getting people one step more comfortable in talking to you about how you can help them.

2) How-To videos: A video that demonstrates how to use your product, address a product-related problem, answer a Frequently Asked Questions, or showcase benefits of your product or service is great time-saver, for you and your prospect/client. Record it once and it saves you the time of repeating it time and again. Plus it is available to your audience 24/7 whether they know you or not (YouTube How-To videos rack up a lot of views which may result in more customers!

3) Music videos: No, we are talking about the MTV kind! Videos set to music are entertaining, engaging and watched! They make great introductions to a product, event or location. What's more, the tools available now make them VERY affordable!

4) Educational videos: If you speak to promote your business (or should), imagine recording your Powerpoint presentation for viewing as a video. It has the benefit of availability 24/7 and as with the How-To videos, you only need to record it once to have lasting effects. You have the option of recording to a live, virtual audience or on your own.
5) Storyboard videos: This combines the power of Music and Educational video by telling your story in a more engaging way. A picture is worth a thousand words, but these storyboard videos are worth a million!

6) Virtual Tour videos: Familiarity generates sales so when you can provide a virtual tour of your storefront, restaurant, venue or more, you are more likely to get someone to come to your (actual) door. This interactive video literally let's people see what they'll see when they get there.

 CLICK to see the tour

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