Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Do It or Delegate It? The Duh Factor

Many of us in business are juggling several tasks and often are overwhelmed by all we need to accomplish in a week. What's more, we often do not enjoy all that we are doing. For those of us who are "in charge" of our business, who came up with that plan?

Each task may fall into one or more of these categories:
  1. We are not good at it. Oh, we might get better at it but the learning curve is steep, time-consuming and painful.
  2. We don't enjoy doing it. Chances are that's why we are not good at it (or vice versa). I think it's impossible to be excellent at something that you hate doing...
  3. Our time is better spent doing other things. There are some things we do that we might enjoy and be good at, however, there are possibly (probably) other tasks that are better use of our time from a business perspective.
Common rationale for doing it ourselves are:
  1. No one can do it the way I like it done. We don't know that. There's someone out there can probably do it better.
  2. I can't afford to hire someone. If their time is more valuable than ours, then again, another business re-think. If not, then we can be focusing on making our business more profitable and factor in the outsourcing.
  3. I've been managing OK the way things are. You're right. If things are fine the way they are, no need to change. However if you want to grow your business, have more time doing what YOU love to do, and a strategy for your future, might be time to consider outsourcing or hiring.
Steps to reach the "Duh Factor"
  1. Track each task you do in a week. Are you proficient at it?  How much did you enjoy it?
  2. Mark those items on a graph such as this. 
  3. Anything that is outside of your core skills and business brilliance, delegate it. There is help out there!*
* NOTE: Stay tuned in the Tech Connective. We are researching resources, apps, and ideas for you...

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