Monday, July 1, 2013

Putting the Hi-Touch into Hi-Tech

The internet has helped us in so many ways as a business and a consumer. It is a conduit for businesses to share why THEIR business rocks and for consumers to read and evaluate options, post and read reviews, and make a buying decision. However most businesses will tell you that WORD-OF-MOUTH (aka referrals) are their BEST source of new business and most consumers rely on NETWORKING (personal contact) and the referrals and reviews of others before they decide where to buy.

Most successful networkers will tell you, effective communication is a two-way street. And the flow of information using websites and email marketing campaigns is uni-directional. It is still important,
but we need to add a layer onto that strategy. We need to focus on is developing a DIGITAL DIALOGUE and take a lesson from successful networkers (check the aka). This means adding these
elements to the mix:
  1. OPEN THE DOOR TO DIALOGUE: (aka “show up”) Starting a blog or social media account and then posting tips, suggestions, and ideas gives others the opportunity to get to know YOU and not just your “marketing blurb”. They can also post their opinions and questions... voile, DIALOGUE!
  2. LISTEN & RESPOND: (aka “working the room”) Posting is more about communication than it is about writing. Hearing what someone is interested in, what problems they have, and what solutions they need will guide you to what they need to hear from you... and sometimes it is NOT about your business.
  3. FOCUS ON THEM: (aka “be the host”) How you treat someone tells them a LOT about what you value most: their business or their BEST INTEREST. Sometimes they are the same thing but when you focus on the latter, YOUR reputation will benefit and the ripple effect will come back to buoy your business to greater heights. You will become that “go to” person...
As we like to say, when you blend Hi-Tech Solutions with Hi-Touch Strategies, you get Hi-Five Results!

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