I like to pinpoint specific ways to improve how to "convert clicks into customers" and to create formulas to easily explain it to clients and business professionals. So I have developed a system that is an addendum to my signature M.A.G.I.C. formula for conversion.
The goal of this system is to ensure you incorporate the following ingredients (S.T.U.F.F.) to your website and internet marketing strategies. This is just an overview and I will be providing specifics, resources and examples in future blogs. In summary, we are addressing the needs of two of your most important viewers: potential customers and Google (and other search engines too):
- S.earch Terms - AKA keywords. What are people Googling that may land them on your page? KNOWING WHAT your prospects are LOOKING FOR will facilitate them FINDING YOU!
- T.ags & Links - Tagging pictures and blogs will help guide viewers to your information as well as direct them to additional pages so they can make a buying decision. It's as little extra effort that can pay off in BIG ways!
- U.ser "Dashboard" - Do you know and review your website analytics? You would never drive a car with the dashboard covered up. Your website has a dashboard that can help you determine how to improve your results.
- F.resh Content - Are you adding new content (text, testimonials, tips, pictures & video) on a regular basis? Google likes to see this as well as do our prospects. Having a plan or system ensures this is handled and not postponed.
- F.ollowup - Do you have a way to manage how often a prospect "sees" you? Email, IM, and social media followings provide you this important opportunity. Do you have this strategy engaged?
So is YOUR website a bucket or a sieve?
If you feel you might have holes, we offer a FREE Digital Diagnostic to all businesses (NOTE: each strategy should be fine-tuned to your industry and audience). Simply CLICK HERE to schedule your no-obligation evaluation (takes about 30 minutes) over the phone. The information you will receive could make your 2014 a more Prosperous New Year!
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