Tuesday, January 15, 2013

There's an app for that!

I am a big fan of NOT reinventing the wheel and with the internet you can research the world (wide web) to find the right tool for the job. This is especially true when building a functional website. So if you can dream up some function that you want your website to have, chances are someone else not only thought of it but built an application or widget that will do the trick! Sometimes these are FREE, sometimes not, but we have come a long way since the days of writing lines and lines of code.

In my 30+ years of experience (yes, I go THAT far back...), these things have remained true.
  1. No widget does everything you want, just the way you want it. It's a matter of finding the best fit and living with (or working around) the limitations.
  2. Necessity is the month of invention. Where there's a will, there's a way. But you have to be willing (aka motivated) to do the research, testing, and adjusting.
  3. Nothing lasts forever. What worked today may not work tomorrow. Either protocols change or something better comes along. The phase "website are never completed, they are abandoned" is still true and will never change.
We offer a FREE Dot Com Diagnostic to help you pinpoint your website needs and then track down the right tools for the job. And JOB 1 is likely to help you grow your business and turn clicks into customers. So if you want to know how it can work better for you... let's "pop the hood"!

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