Tuesday, December 4, 2012

TECHNOLOGY: What I don't know CAN'T help!

Most of us remember a time when a phone was only used for making calls and technology was something that only engineers had to deal with. Now phones are "smart" and tech-stuff isn't just for geeks anymore...

There are a few of the early adopters and the "Net Generation" who embrace everything new, stand in line for the next tech release, and relish in the evolution of all things tech. But for the rest of us, it all changes too fast for us to keep up and we often find ourselves overwhelmed and frustrated. One entrepreneur told me she doesn't necessarily need to reach the top of the summit, but just needs a "toehold in technology".

Alvin Toffler, author of "Future Shock", said:
“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”

The challenge now becomes we not only have to learn something new, but we have to unlearn something old like habits and preconceived ideas ("I've always done it this way..."). But the motivation is, if we ignore the need to learn, we may be missing out on tools we can use to our advantage.

Here are some tips on how to get started.
  1. Pinpoint your PASSION: If you are passionate about your business, a community cause, or a personal project, you will power through the inevitable frustration and learning curve. I'll call these purpose-driven learning.
  2. Research RESOURCES: There is an "app" for almost anything!! If you don't have the patience for Google searches, trial & error, and learning 5 different options so you can find the best fit for you, there are better alternatives*.
  3. Set Mini-GOALS: The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Don't try to learn everything at once. Select one specific task and focus on that. Take it one "byte" at a time... Even mini-goals should be SMART.
*Because I personally am on a mission to gain a toehold in technology (and a leg up) and I know I cannot effectively teach myself,  I have created a new website (launch in January 2013). Cloud technology tools can help you with your personal productivity, professional profitability and connectivity to your circle of influence. It will even help you extend it.

Our purpose is to assist each other with a toehold and a leg up... If you're ready for the journey (or want to peek at the travel brochure...) stay tuned...

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