Monday, December 30, 2013

Does your website have the right S.T.U.F.F.?

As you get ready for 2014, now is a good time to re-evaluate your website and how effective it is in generating business for you. Many websites have "holes" in them that are leaking business. By understanding and then patching those holes with the right S.T.U.F.F., your website can be a more effective bucket to capture business as opposed to a sieve that is leaking opportunity... So what's on your website's "bucket list"?

Monday, October 7, 2013

Get Your 'Net in Gear (with Google!)

We have been saying that for years. It's even posted on our car. We want every business to take FULL advantage of the internet to help them capture more business, be more efficient, and to be an asset to your business.

We shared a "Who Am I" riddle years ago:

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Get Your Business On-Line

I think we will all agree: we want a healthy, happy, and flourishing community. One where businesses are thriving and residents of all ages can easily find, access, and share the resources and information that will help them with all their needs for their families, businesses, and community. Resources that cover everything from work, play and community service.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Top Three Reasons you NEED to Mobilize your Marketing

There are several reasons why EVERY business should consider creating a mobile version of their website... Biggest reason is if your target market is mobile (and stats are showing an increasing number of people are), then you might be missing out...

Monday, July 1, 2013

Putting the Hi-Touch into Hi-Tech

The internet has helped us in so many ways as a business and a consumer. It is a conduit for businesses to share why THEIR business rocks and for consumers to read and evaluate options, post and read reviews, and make a buying decision. However most businesses will tell you that WORD-OF-MOUTH (aka referrals) are their BEST source of new business and most consumers rely on NETWORKING (personal contact) and the referrals and reviews of others before they decide where to buy.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Do It or Delegate It? The Duh Factor

Many of us in business are juggling several tasks and often are overwhelmed by all we need to accomplish in a week. What's more, we often do not enjoy all that we are doing. For those of us who are "in charge" of our business, who came up with that plan?

Monday, April 1, 2013

What's the "BIG PICTURE" of your Internet Strategy?

If you are like many business and organizations that WANT to use the Internet and Technology to get more customers, do more business, promote an event or new product, and ALL the awesome things that can be done in the World Wide Web BUT don't know where to begin... the Tech Connective support group was designed to help you "Connect the Dots"!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

I Blog therefore I Am...

Well, that’s not entirely true... You can also "be" if you post, pin, or tweet too. These are various ways to not just exist on the World Wide Web but to "work it"! You would never go to a networking event and NOT talk to someone, right? You make an effort to reach out and meet new people with the goal to generate business. The same applies for the Internet. “Out of sight, out of mind”. If you are not doing something to interact, it’s like you  showed up but didn’t talk to anyone.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

What's in a (Domain) Name?

Our Internet Service Providers often provide us with a FREE email account and their name for us (like Or we can sign up for a FREE account through,, ad infinitum. However, if you have a business, it makes a LOT of sense to register a domain name even if you don't need a website*.

There's an app for that!

I am a big fan of NOT reinventing the wheel and with the internet you can research the world (wide web) to find the right tool for the job. This is especially true when building a functional website. So if you can dream up some function that you want your website to have, chances are someone else not only thought of it but built an application or widget that will do the trick! Sometimes these are FREE, sometimes not, but we have come a long way since the days of writing lines and lines of code.